Thursday, January 10, 2013

Rant! (first edit)

So this morning I opened my kindle and started to get it set up, but low and behold, it wasn’t working.  I spent 45 minutes chatting with two different tech people just to discover that it wasn’t connecting to the WiFi properly.  Why is it that everything has to connect to WiFi?  We don’t have it at my home and so I can’t use my kindle at home, at least not on the Internet.  Annoying.  So, once I got it on the WiFi, a one-minute fix in the help center (stupid), I was able to start getting things to work.  I was able to by one book online through the kindle and everything worked the way it was supposed to, but the next book?  No way.  The buy now button would not work and I had to get my laptop out to by the book and download it.  Next, I couldn’t download any files on Canvas and it took me an hour to figure out how to make that work.  Sure technology makes our lives easier if you know what the heck you are doing in the first place.  If not, it’s frustrating.  I sometimes wonder why I am working so hard to be up on the times and technology if it is going to take me so long to figure it out.  I know that is the way society is going, but I would almost rather spend my time doing something else like homework.  The good news is, I can now move forward and let go of my rant because I am set up and I now know how to access most things.  So what am I going to do when I get some other device that is smarter than me again?  Go through the same process once again, I suppose.  Good luck me.

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